Orgmode has long fascinated me, and for me it's the only really compelling part of the emacs ecosystem. I started out with XEmacs back in the day, then landed in vim and later nvim, and never looked back... except for longing, over-the-shoulder glances at orgmode and all the neat things it can do for livers of digital lives.
I've flirted with neorg several times, but never really got off the ground with what I'd call a useful setup.
Then just yesterday, I discovered that one of the neovim ports of
orgmode had really gotten some
traction, and had a burgeoning library of plugins
including the excellent org-roam.nvim. Overnight,
note-taking and task organisation has become actually useful and feels organic.
The flow of <leader>nf
(find node) and create if doesn't exist, or <leader>ni
to insert a node
linked from an existing one is compelling. TODO's are simple to add and schedule once you get the
keyboard mappings down, and I'm just starting to explore the subtleties of headline trees, TODO vs
checkbox items, and so on.
It's completely usable in its current state, and the potential is there for a ton of exciting stuff. Good times.